How is the leadership of the Central Arkansas ACS local section organized?
Our local section governance starts with our elected officers. These positions are Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer.
We also have an elected councilor who serves as our local section representative to national ACS. Additionally, we elect an alternate-councilor in the case that our councilor is unable to attend the Spring and Fall national ACS meetings.
Nominations for positions are called for in October of every year and elections are held electronically in November. Chair-Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer are voted on annually but we encourage at least a 2-year commitment from Treasurer candidates. Councilor and Alternate-Councilor are 3-year commitments.
You can nominate yourself or someone else in the Officer Nomination section of our website.
The Executive Committee consists of the officers, the Councilor, the Alternate Councilor and the most recent past Chair.
We also have several committees that assist with the organization and function of our section.
The Executive Committee and committee chairs meet approximately once a month either in person or through teleconferencing.
Officer Responsibilities
May serve several consecutive terms, submits office and chair names to ACS Executive Director by 12/1, compiles annual report materials, counts ballots--manage election process, distributes newsletter and notices, maintains membership lists/records, prepares annual report, receives rosters, records minutes, writes correspondence
May serve several consecutive terms, prepares budget, files annual financial report, requests allotment payment from Society, requests member and affiliate dues collection by 4/1, accounts for all Section money, files IRS forms, gets allotment, maintains accurate financial records, status report to section on budget, writes some checks with other section officers
Plans and implements activities to assist area precollege and college teachers, students, and student affiliate chapters, including scholarship programs, competitive examinations, science fairs, teacher/student nights, and journal subscriptions. Host special activities, e.g. short and satellite courses for benefit of section members
Publicity and Public Relations
Develops and implements a program using local media contacts and members to publicize section programs and activities and to enhance the visibility and the public image of the section, Society, and profession; Oversees editorial and financial policies of the section's regular newsletter, website, and/or other publications